NikandAva in Nik and Ava

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@gamejolt please add a Ava sicker for @Ava13 please, everyone will appreciate it.

Everyone, @Ava13 has sadly died, so everyone remember Ava, and take care. @Identypical, I am so sorry for you, take care ok. That's all I have to say and goodbye.

We tried to make you to neon hope you like it

To:nik and ava

@Ava13 & @Identypical I just met you in the last months and, y’all two are best people I’ve met so far and I love both of y’all. You guy’s are the best!! :3 You guy’s just make my day 24/7

Projektile sends his apologies

I respect everyone here, but @Ava13 and @Identypical are some of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.